Journal Paper 게재(IEEE ACCESS) : Sequential Image-based Attention Network for Inferring Force Estimation without Haptic Sensor

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Sequential Image-based Attention Network for Inferring Force Estimation without Haptic Sensor
Hochul Shin, Hyeon Cho, Dongyi Kim, Dae-kwan Ko, Soo-Chul Lim*  and  Wonjun Hwang*


Humans can approximately infer the force of interaction between objects using only visual information because we have learned it through experiences. Based on this idea, in this paper, we propose a method based on a recurrent convolutional neural network that uses sequential images to infer the interaction force without using a haptic sensor. To train and validate deep learning methods, we collected a large number of images and corresponding data concerning the interaction forces between objects shown therein through an electronic motor-based device. To focus on the changing appearances of a target object owing to external force in the images, we develop a sequential image-based attention module that learns a salient model from temporal dynamics for predicting unknown interaction forces. We propose a sequential image-based spatial attention module and a sequential image-based channel attention module, which are extended to exploit multiple images based on corresponding weighted average pooling layers. Extensive experimental results verified that the proposed method can successfully infer interaction forces in various conditions featuring different target materials, changes in illumination, and directions of external forces.


Date of Publication: 11 October 2019

Electronic ISSN: 2169-3536
Publisher: IEEE